Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Adventures of Broadway and Poppy Seed

I was spending a little recreational time (and isk) in one of Heverice's fine space pubs. Suddenly four beautiful women entered and sat next to me at the bar. After a second glance it turned out there were only two and I was just seeing double. Introductions were made and I learned that they went by the names of Broadway

and Poppy Seed.

Poppy Seed made her way to the antique jukebox and selected a song.

Apparently they were two drifters that happened to be passing through the area. After several drinks things were getting pretty out of control and we found ourselves stumbling around the hanger district. It wasn't but moments later that a brand new Incursus class frigate was being loaded with spirits and prepared for undock. It's name was "Mexico or Bust" and this was just the beginning of a reckless week of mayhem. We boarded the ship...

Most of what happened is now a blur but we made sport of many rookie pilots...

, Rifter, Incursus, Execuror, Thorax, Rifter, Incursus, Merlin, Merlin, Retriever, Cormorant, and Punisher... For any rookie pirate looking to become a Tusker that right there friends with only one ship is more then enough to meet the solo kill requirement of the Tuskers.

I ran into a few fellow Tuskers along the way and teamed up to kill an Execuror, Rifter, and a Caracal

Poppy Seed also bet me I couldn't ninja on an Archon class carrier killmail with a silly rookie ship.

9 Pods were destroyed.

We also made a new friend

Jarvan Gray > lol you even looted my wreck for the t1 items?
Jarvan Gray > thats a new low
Jarvan Gray > Its kinda sad even
Jarvan Gray > the tuskers here yesterday would win fights, then leave their T2 drones lying around because it was too much effort to scoop them up again
Jarvan Gray > I may have to eve-mail your ceo as to your lack of omnipotence
Jarvan Gray > very disapointing
Mr Snypes > the rest of the corp is asking who your favourite tuskers are
Jarvan Gray > Shrafe was the fellow who so masterfully ganked everyone in the system yesterday
Mr Snypes > hmm seems like a good choice he's got top spot for kills this week so far
Jarvan Gray > The eve Mail has been Sent, I'm sure Mr. jolo will reprimand you in short order!
Mr Snypes > excellent I'm sure I will get to read it soon
Jarvan Gray > You will recieve a firm talking to, no doubt
Jarvan Gray > If that doesn't make you tremble in your space booties, I dont know what will
Mr Snypes > Pop music is about the only thing I'm affraid of
Jarvan Gray > Then perhaps it will be played on your TS
Jarvan Gray > I know how ruthless you pirate types are

Partied with other pirates in local...

Mr Snypes > Somebody throws a baby.... Oh sh*t!
Do a spin move and catch it and the crowd goes crazy!
Mr Snypes > \o/
eviwyn > xD
eviwyn > (o)
*eviwyn crowsurfs
eviwyn > lol
eviwyn > late on evening == bad spelling xD
Mr Snypes > no worries pirates aren't supposed to be good at spelling
eviwyn > true :D
eviwyn > as long as we do the yarrr its all fine
*Mr Snypes does a killer dance move before selecting jump
Mr Snypes > o7
eviwyn > o7

And got blown up by a Rapier.

Sure there aren't any seriously epic or amazing kills in there but it just goes to show you can have THAT much fun for the price of one frigate. As I was ejected from the ship I swear I saw another escape capsule make it's way to safety. I have a feeling that's not the last any of us will see of Broadway and Poppy Seed as they make their way across the galaxy one adventure at a time.



  1. We still need to team up as the three musketeers and snypes, you are going to have to invite me to these women one day. Which bar do you hang out at?!

    Keep up the killing and blogging, it's gold.

  2. Thanks guys, I'm glad you're finding my blog entertaining.

  3. No fittings, no skillplans, pirate duderinas galore. I like it!
    Throw in some radical left wing feminist book reviews and I might even bookmark!

  4. I want a roam with Poppy Seed and Broadway. Make it happen Snypes you salty dog.

